5 great reasons to become freelancer in India after your degree

Freelancers India

Reasons to become Freelancer

People have been spending a couple of years looking forward to getting their degree, your first job and your first salary. Then, finally you have a degree and you actively start to find jobs. You apply for the job, attend one interview, and then another and another. They ask you for a five-hour wait alongside 100 other hopefuls! You wait for their response and you will find that you were too late and another fresher has walked away with the job. Being a fresher within the current Indian job market are often difficult. You need to be ready to convince potential employers that you simply are employable which may be a large order because the unwelcome truth is that a lot of freshers in India are unemployable. 

After getting a job, people complain about their stressful life, insufficient salary, and intolerant behaviour of their bosses. In that case there are a lot of freelancer India websites that moved forward to support these employees. An increasingly sizable amount of freelance jobs are available online for beginners. Most freelancing jobs for beginners are anyhow linked to their stream of specialization.

If you are self-motivated, like being your own boss, want to pick the projects you want to work on personally and if find the daily office life stressful, then freelancing is a better option for you. Also remember, choosing any of them will not tie up you with it forever. 

Here are a couple of great reasons to become freelancer after your degree:

1. Helps you work out subsequent steps in your career

Despite the benefits of being related to a brand and getting a gentle pay package, corporate roles are often extremely hierarchical and strait-jacketed. It might be years before a fresher is trusted with a responsible role. Freelancers however need to chart their own course and while they’ll miss out on the predictability and stability of a full-time job, they gain insight into the important marketplace ahead of their peers. From this viewpoint, freelancers often find other areas that they need to specialize in or diversify to.

2. More Attractive Resume

Many freelancers in India find that the easiest way to convey their expertise and experience to a client is in a resume format. Your aim is to showcase your value by gathering your talent, ambition, and personality into an incredible document that’s tailored to your viewers. When building your resume, use a format that permits you to spotlight your unique skills also as your work experience, during a readable, attractive way. And once you start writing, use your freelance experience in sales, marketing. When you finally get that interview call you’ve been expecting, the actual fact that you’ve been freelancing will speak volumes in your favour. It presents you as resourceful.

3. Builds up your area of expertise

To freelance, you would like to own a skill you’ll offer to potential clients. Most people draw on their employment experience, offering services using the skills they have already got. Whether you’re set to become a freelancer full time or part time, your business will be built around the unique skills you have to offer. Those skills are your greatest asset. So, the first step is identifying the various skills you’ve built over the years that people might not have and need to pay YOU to use.

4. Habit of Time Management

Workplace rules and disciplines are quite burdensome to follow. As a freelancer in India, you can even work from your bed on a Saturday. Since there’s no concept of office timings, many freelancers tend to use their personal hours to figure and find yourself with a messy schedule. The most mandatory time management routine that every freelancer needs is a fixed schedule. Set down a rough time schedule— awaken, work out, start working, cut your laptop. You could accompany the standard 9-to-5 work timing or slot your active hours into two 4-hour slots, with a fast afternoon nap and a workout in between. Make sure you aren’t overworking on the daily and have enough time for yourself to unwind.

Freelancing offers you time management, good communication, negotiation and a number of other transferable skills. It is, in short, an excellent training ground which will prep you for the rigours of the company world.

5. Financial Independence

Freelancing is the great way to earn money as a teenager. As a freelancer in India, you’re on top of things of your earnings. Most of the time this may be associated with the amount of projects you opt to require on and your agreed rates. If your rates are too expensive, and business try to trade you down, then you’ll politely tell them no. Other people value your work and can pay your rates.

So, these were the 5 most amazing reasons to kick start your career as a freelancer after degree and also if you are a freelancer do share your freelancing experience with us.

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